Gleitlager – die nächste Generation 0,05 Millimeter. So gering ist die Toleranz, wenn normale Kunststoff-Gleitlager im Spritzgussverfahren gefertigt werden. Das ist kleiner als ein i-Punkt groß ist, und das ist ziemlich gut. Aber mit unseren CNC-Fräsen fertigen wir noch präzisere Lager. Unsere Toleranz ist noch kleiner, das CNC-gefräste Lager fast spielfrei, der Schmierspalt zwischen unserem Lager und der Standardachse ist fast optimal. Fast. Darum fertigen wir eigene Lagerachsen, keramikbeschichtet und präzisionsgeschliffen. Die Kombination unserer Lager mit unseren Achsen optimiert das Lagerspiel. Darum brauchen unsere Lager weniger Vorspannung, das Losbrechmoment sinkt und der Hinterbau arbeitet sensibler. Gleitlagerkunststoff zieht Wasser. Manch besonders gut gleitender Kunststoff nimmt ein bis fünf Prozent seines Volumens an Wasser auf. Das ist viel, und es ist ein Problem. Arbeitet das Lager bei geringer Luftfeuchtigkeit noch spielfrei, so dehnt sich das Material mit steigender Luftfeuchtigkeit aus. Wird das Lagerspiel zu gering, so arbeitet das Lager widerspenstig. Das verhindern wir mit unserem Gleitlagerkunststoff. Er nimmt nur 0,3 Prozent seines Volumens an Wasser auf. Daher arbeiten unsere Lager bei fast jedem Wetter gleich gut. Den Namen unseres Kunststoffes verraten wir nicht, aber den Grund für das Geheimnis: Der molekular eingelagerte Schmierstoff auf Fettbasis hat eine Reibungszahl von μ 0,2. Das bedeutet, dass er besonders leicht läuft. Im Verhältnis zur Reibungszahl hat unser Kunststoff den höchsten Verschleißwiderstand aller Gleitlagerkunststoffe. The next generation of bushings Synthetic bushings are manufactured through an injection moulding process. The tolerances in this process are +/- 0.05 mm. This is already a very good tolerance. We always strive to be better than just good and as we‘ve got the technical ability we have started to manufacture our own bushings on our CNC turning lathes. This process gives even closer tolerances for much lower stiction and a perfect grease-gap between the bushing and axle. Since 2009 we have already been manufacturing our own ceramic coated precision-ground bearing axles that are also made to extremely low tolerances. The combination of our new bushings with these axles provides a noticeable reduction in play. This means we now need less preload on the bushing unit, giving a lower breakaway torque which in turn means a more sensitive response from the rear suspension. A decisive role is played by the material characteristics of the different materials used to manufacture synthetic bushings. Materials with superior lubricating properties sometimes have a strongly hygroscopic character that can be between 1% and 5% of the material volume. So while the bearing is running freely under dry conditions in might expand with higher air humidity. In contrast the synthetic bushing material we‘ve chosen has got a humidity absorption of max 0,3%. This leads to a consistently high performance regardless of the weather conditions when you’re riding. In order to improve the bearing characteristics further we‘ve chosen a synthetic material with a molecularly embedded lubricant which provides superior performance with a friction coefficient of μ 0,2. In addition to humidity absorption and friction coefficient, another important consideration for bushings is the resistance to abrasive wear. The bearing material we‘ve chosen provides the best ratio of friction coefficient and resistance to abrasive wear of any material currently available. We ask you to understand that we’d like to keep the name of our new wonder material a company secret. Rahmengrößen / frame sizes A Oberrohrlänge / top tube length B Sitzrohr / seat tube length C Steuerrohrlänge / head tube length D Radstand / wheel base M Sitzrohrüberstand / seattube O Schrittfreiheit / standover Q reach R stack Geometrie Details / geometry details E Lenkwinkel / head angle F Sitzrohrwinkel / seat angle G Tretlagerhöhe zu Achse / bottom bracket height to axle HH Hinterbaulänge / chain stay length HS effektive Kettenstrebenlänge / effective chain stay length I Sattelstützendurchmesser / seatpost diameter (size s-l) J Sattelstützendurchmesser / seatpost diameter (size xl) K Gabel Referenzmaß / fork refering measurement L Federgabelvorstand / fork offset N Reifendurchmesser / tire diameter P Dämpfer-Einbaulänge / shock absorber length Die genauen Daten von jedem NICOLAI Rahmen sind im Internet unter „Tech Sheet“ einsehbar. The specific data of each NICOLAI frame are available on our website. Follow the „Tech Sheet“ link. 135x12 bolt-through system Most Nicolai frames are now compatible with the bolt-through system. For a number of models this has already become the standard or it is available as an option without an upcharge. Bolt through hubs are stiffer than quick release hubs and there are now a lot of capable hubs and wheelsets on the market at fair prices. That’s all common knowledge but we would like to explain why we‘ve decided on the 135x12 mm system in particular (150x12 for ION20). QR-10 quick release hubs make still have a small advantage in weight so it‘s still preferable to use them for XC and marathon riding where, normally, loads are not extreme. However, with a QR-10 rear hub the interface mainly relies on friction between the hub and dropout - the quick release lever itself is not able to have any real impact on the stiffness of the rear. That is why, for intense bike use in rough terrain, we recommend the bolt through system. The Nicolai bolt through system through is designed around the common 135x12 mm standard. Rear hubs of this standard have got an end-to-end hollow axle with an outer diameter of 18 – 20 mm and an inner diameter of 12 mm. When the bolt is attached the hollow hub axle is pressed with positive locking force between the drop outs so that the rear hub, and the bolt itself, become integrated, load-bearing, components of the frame. This makes the whole rear end of the bike perceptibly stiffer. Compared to other rear axle systems, which use a fine pitch thread, the Nicolai design comes with a regular metric 12 mm thread that allows easy and hassle-free mounting even in sandy or muddy conditions. The only tool required is a 6 mm Allen key. If the axle once should sieze after a long period of non-use, or if the 6 mm inner socket should round off, the Nicolai axle can also be released and mounted with a 17 mm ring spanner. Last, but by no means least, the Nicolai bolt through system is fully compatible with the Rock Shox Rear Maxle® standard. Steuerrohre und Angleset® Wir bieten drei Standards für Steuerrohre: 1 1/8 Zoll, One-Point-Five (1,5 Zoll) und Tapered (unten 1,5 Zoll, oben 1 1/8 Zoll). Die meisten Rahmen liefern wir mit dem 1 1/8 Zoll Steuerrohr, dort passen die meisten Gabeln hinein. Wenn Du eine andere Gabel fahren willst, dann verbauen wir statt des 1 1/8 Zoll Steuerrohrs auch den One-Point-Five- oder den Tapered-Standard. Das Helius AM und das ION18 haben One-Point-Five-Steuerrohre. In jedes One-Point-Five-Steuerrohr montieren wir auf Wunsch den Cane Creek Angleset®-Steuersatz. Bei diesem Steuersatz lässt sich der Lenkwinkel durch unterschiedliche Einsätze in je drei Schritten um bis zu 1,5 Grad flacher oder steiler einstellen. Voraussetzung sind ein präzise vorbereitetes Steuerrohr und präzise ausgerichtete Schalen. Darum montieren wir den Angleset®-Steuersatz in unserem Werk und liefern ihn nur montiert im Rahmen. Head tubes and the CANE CREEK Angleset® We use three different head tube standards on Nicolai frames. 1 1/8, one-point-five (1.5) or tapered (1 1/8 topside, 1.5 downside). Most Nicolai frames are equipped with the 1 1/8 head tube as standard as this is the most common size provided by fork manufacturers. The Helius AM and ION18 models have a 1.5 head tube as standard. All other regular frames are built with the 1 1/8 head tube though we offer the 1.5 or the tapered head tube as an optional extra. For 1.5 head tube frames we now offer an additional option: these frames can now be delivered with a Cane Creek Angleset® fitted. With this headset the head angle of the bike can be altered by fitting different angled cartridges and this allows you to adjust the head angle up to 1,5° slacker or steeper in six steps. A precisely machined head tube and accurately aligned bearing cups are essential for perfect function of the Angleset. For this reason we only offer it fitted by our professional machanics at the factory.